
Friday, December 12, 2014

Anyone know what is??

Have you heard of the new social media (SM) site ?
It opened up with little fanfare but there has been a steadily increasing buzz about it.  
Maybe you got an 'invite' to tsu from someone and thought - what they heck is that? 
Or maybe you heard that you can make money on -- and thought What the what-what? 
Has my friend been hacked? Can they monetize SM? 
Is this for real??? 
Great questions. 
And I don't know that I have answers, but I'm trying to figure it out. 
I saw an article mentioning it and thought I'd check it out, so I signed up. 
Here is a screenshot of what my view looks like:

Looks kind of like Facebook (FB) - right? 
Well, it is kind of like Facebook - but a cleaner, less cluttered screen. 
Here is what I can tell you
Yes,  it's sort of like Facebook --. but with an angle: Users are supposed to be able to earn money simply by posting the stuff they normally post to social media. 
Sounds fishy but there may be something to it. The general idea is that by using and posting content, you are adding value. Tsu has algorithms they use to track 'value -  shares and probably sidebar ad clicks, etc. You (supposedly) will earn money when your content is shared or when users take certain actions. 
Similar to Facebook (FB) there are various settings you can  use to determine what is public and what is private, what you receive notifications for, etc. And you post photos, video, updates, etc. 
Unlike FB, to join Tsu you must be 'invited' or follow someone's link. (mine is ) if you want to join and check it out. 
Tsu says that they are about quality content not spam....they urge organic and meaningful communications and connections. And they indicate that they will be on the look out for spam, monitor it, and take action when needed. 
Which they will have to do or the site would become spam central - share my post to earn $$ !  - Right? Presently it's not like that.  
Plus, Tsu has some parameters around how many posts and invites and other things you can do/use in a 24 hour period. The limits are fairly high, it's not likely I'd cross them, and they should help kill any big time spammers from running rampant in a short period of time. 
You can use and search hashtags on Tsu to find content relevant to your interests and choose to 'friend' or 'follow' people. Tsu makes a special point to drive home the idea that the content is YOURS.  You own your content . 
There are some infographics floating around Tsu that you will see which tell you that you don't just sign up and magically make money. And that you probably aren't going to get rich off your network. 
But I figure any little bit of extra cash is worth checking out so if I cross post from FB and I try to develop some authentic relationships it could be a great SM outlet for me as it may help broaden  my 'reach' and help my other business endeavors ( and  as a nice perk. 
Can you link up to other social media on YES!  You can add your website, FB page, IG, etc. 
Only time will tell whether tsu has the ability to be an authentic force in the world of social media. As for me, I'm willing to follow along and see. If I don't like it, I can always leave, the only committment is a little time to see if it has any returns for me.  
I figured I didn't have anything to lose and just might gain so why not? 
How about you? Want to just check it out? See what it's about?
You can use my link if you're interested -