This week has been T-totally out of sync for me. So I didn't do Tutorial Tuesday and I didn't do Tales From Tuesday (had a brief encounter with my bench on Tuesday night, but nothing worth writing about)
So, why am I so out of it? I must be getting old...or something.
I travelled this past weekend - to visit my incredibly talented friend Christy. Christy lives near VA beach and is an awesome metalsmith, but not just that, she's an awesome lampworker, but not just that, she's an awesome potter, and stained glass-er, and many other things -- but mostly she's an AWESOME person and friend. yay! Our good friend Lisa, another AWESOMELY talented metalsmith, joined us as well. It was a great weekend of creating and commiserating and laughing was just, well AWESOME (sorry, had to do that) anyway you get the idea.
Not only was it great to create with these ladies but it was just good to talk. To share tips and techniques, but also our lives - the good, the bad, and everything in between. What women can do, will do, do strong we really are, our capacity to love and forgive and endure. It was really a great time for me. :)
Unfortunately I came back to a migraine...and then one thing after another that had piled up while I was gone - like a boatload of laundry, and a bajillion papers from my son's school, and 2 new birthday invitations..etc etc. So, I'm still trying to get it all sorted out and get back on top of things....well, as on top of it all as I've ever been which is really something like being precariously perched on the side of a mountain made of melting swiss cheese - thank goodness for the holes, they give me something to grab on to!
Before I left I made some changes to my blog - notably the background.
Can you say "ooohhhh...aaaahhh"? (come on, it will make me feel good)
I made it myself which just tickles me to death since I know as much about graphics as I do about March Madness (I just know its something about basketball...) rah! rah! And that Morgan State is in the mix???
Happy Thursday all! :-)