Monday, August 13, 2012

can't believe I ate the whole thing

that is what I imagine he's thinking. 

 Too much of a good thing.........

Oh my aching head.

 wellllll, maybe it's not so bad. :) 

Besides, I clean up pretty good. :)

The Grandbaby turned one in July. (yes, I'm behind in posting) And he enjoyed a bit of chocolate cake. He is walking now and has been enjoying the water, from the pool, to the ocean, to his own little whirlpool in a wagon.  It's amazing how fast they grow, isn't it?

Someone else is growing around here too.

 Uncle Sam MADE the cake for the baby's birthday.  He was quite proud with himself, and he should be - the cake was wonderful. Look at how brown he is.....he has also been enjoying the water this summer. The beach in Lewes is fabulous. 

All in all, we've all been having a great summer. Hard to believe it's almost over. Middle school orientation is in just under 2 weeks and school starts two weeks from today! ACK! 

What about you ? Are you surprised it went so fast or has summer seemed to go on and on and on for you?