Have I mentioned that I'm in the middle of a studio overhaul? not reconstruction but a total clean out and attempt at rearranging the layout in terms of benches and areas. I figured when I came back from retreat that rather than put everything back in there, I'd evaluate and move stuff in light of trying to redo some other areas of the basement to create living space. It's a big job.
I'm trying to move all the storage shelving units from one side of the basement to the other. Where I am moving them TO is where my long table and lapidary area resides. SO that has to be moved. I also moved the 6ft folding table that had my patina and tumbling area. I am trying to condense the studio area into a tighter space so that I can eventually put a wall around the area, thereby creating a new storage area where the shelving units and maybe some built ins will be.
Last weekend I moved things. Evaluated. Didn't like it. Moved them again. Now I am considering another move. Part of what has me hung up is that I don't want the enameling area near say the polishing area. I want my jewelers bench under a light. The flexshaft needs to hang just so...blah blah blah. I don't want the pickle pot near other stuff, I don't want the genie spewing water on my good tools, etc etc. You see my dilemma ? I think having more space is making it harder for me to figure it all out. And yes, I also have more tools now. (it's a never ending cycle) and I don't have a lot of shelves/storage area. I need to buy shelves desperately.
SO here is what the studio looked like not long ago:
Some months ago I rearranged that a bit. Moved the shelving units and pushed the enameling area back. Brought the forging area in tighter and put the bench polisher up on that bench.
Then last weekend I did this:
moved the table that was sticking out from the wall to be against the wall....
brought the lapidary table in as well, forming a 'wall'. A real wall will eventually go behind those two tables and the other side of the wall will be household storage.
I hung an old shelf on the wall.......
but then I didn't like the overall layout.
so I brought the table back out from the wall......
and began setting it up.........
Right now the whole entire space is a total disaster. There are piles of dirt and trash swept but not picked up yet. There are boxes and supplies EVERYwhere. It's chaos.
And now I'm considering moving the table back again! Up against the wall - and bringing the jewelers bench out from the end of the table so it's sticking out into the room rather than the long table sticking out into the room.
The soldering area will either end up at the other end of the long table or possible freestanding in the middle of the room.
I had moved a shelving unit out of the studio area along with a small card table - they are now part of the storage are (where the lapidary and tumbler tables used to be)
but now I am thinking of moving the card table back and maybe the shelving unit as well. The 6ft foldng table I moved into the area instead just isn't doing what I need it to do (for now) So I think those get moved back tomorrow. Then I need to clean up all of the floor space in the studio where I've moved the stumps and boxes etc while I played furniture mover.
This is the 6ft table where the card table and shelving unit used to be:
The goal was to clean that all off and use one half for photography and the other half for a packing/mail station.
I had such high hopes. lol
OK, so I decided to mock up a drawing and play with it to see if I
could get a layout I was happy with prior to just moving stuff around.
Here is what I am going with for now:

I THINK I will have enough space to walk around the soldering area to get to the bench polisher. We shall see.
Wish me luck, I'm goin' in............
and I better hit it hard, have to pick LG up at 3.