It's Tuesday, it's raining, I'm at work -- all is right with the world..? NOT!
I can't seem to shake this icky, sort of melancholy feeling I've had lately. I hate it. Its disturbing to say the least. I guess part of it is that I have a bunch of things hanging over my head and they are weighing on me. Heavy, heavy, heavy. UGH.
Add to that the fact that I'm not eating right, so my sugar is up and my energy is down -- thankfully my weight is holding steady. The forum migration went ok but we are still ironing out glitches..........and I have GOT to do something to break out of this mood because, quite frankly, enough is enough already.
I took yesterday off and it was great to be home and tend to some things, like going through PILES of paperwork, picking up my daughter's car from the car doctor, organizing some of my son's school papers (included writing checks for school pictures and boxed supplies for next year), doing ALL the laundry in one day (YAY!), etc. You'd think with those accomplishments I'd feel great. Not so. Came down with a HORRID headache last night and couldn't wait to get in bed. Slept well, woke to rain.
Read a few of my favorite blogs this morning which should make me feel good, but, well, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I see everyone's pretties and I feel so unaccomplished, so unproductive.....and I see new tools (yay LISA!) and I'm happy for them, cuz I loves me some new tools too (and indeed, I recently received the SAME letter stamps!)...but then I get that twinge of, yep, I'm gonna say it - tool envy, jewelry envy, everything envy. And then I feel like an ungrateful something-or-other. So, one thing I can do to start to bring this around is to share my gratitude.
I am, by nature, a thankful person and normally a glass-is-half-full person - so firstly, I am thankful that the good Lord created me that way and that God continually opens my eyes helping to keep me that way. I am thankful that these episodes of whiney-woe-is-me-life-is-hard-I-feel-icky-might-as-well-go-eat-worms don't come very often.
I am so utterly thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful Lord that I am financially stable, especially in today's economy. I am thankful to be where I am today.
Today that is about all I can firmly say without feeling hypocritical.....without feeling the need to edit.
Oh, oh, OH. And I am thankful that today is Tuesday - because if all goes even slightly as planned - I get bench time tonight!!! YAY!
Happy Tuesday all! Here's hoping you all have a great day and go forward with an attitude of gratitude.