Thankfully, WAY more ups than downs.
Plus a bit of confusion along the way.
But yea, thankfully so many 'ups'.
Maybe I'm just really blessed. My LG gives me more smiles and joy and pure delight than anyone else can or does. We have a really special relationship - we're SO close.
It's just like that. And I'm so happy. :)
He's been spending a lot of time in DE this summer, at the beach, with my folks. We've never been apart this long. It's weird.
I do have to say that I like a quiet house and all this free time - not that I'd trade having him for the world!
I'm just sayin' -- there are some nice things about having less people in the house! The ability to totally come and go as I please, make noise late at night, to walk around the house in my undies or nothing at, hmm, TMI?
Anyway - I talk to him every day while he's gone - sometimes on the phone, sometimes via email/ipod touch. He told me a few days back, when we were goofing on the phone, that THAT is what he missed. Me and him just being how we are together. Chatting, laughing, being silly. How special is THAT!? Whatever girl gets my little guy one day - you are going to be one lucky woman!
My family is up visiting right now, since Sunday. So I have a houseful of people....which has it's challenges in my little house, but it's so good to see everyone!
Last night my son and I went to see The Adventures of Spiderman in 3D (I think that's what it's called) and then we went to dinner. We didn't get home *gasp* til after 10pm (I think). The movie was great fun and dinner was yummy, though not necessarily very healthy. It's interesting though - we both ate part of a hamburger but really devoured the salad!
The movie ended with a 'bonus' clip that really leaves the door open for a sequel so that's kind of fun. We'd definitely go see it. We enjoyed this one. :)
We have a busy week ahead of us. Since LG has been gone so much so far this summer, his schedule is really booked this week with various friends. So I'm trying to snag him in between my work and his camp and running around with his friends. I'll be sad to see everyone roll out this weekend but on the other hand am looking forward to seeing what I can get into when they leave.
I'm a wild child after all ya know.....