Unfortunately my sinus infection didn't quite go away with the round of antibiotics and I woke up yesterday feeling it. It's yucky - your head hurts and your face hurts, teeth and everything. So I was slow moving initially but I finally made myself head to the basement. And this is what greeted me:
Tragic, isn't it? This is what happens when one half of the basement, part of which was storage, is moved into the other half (rather haphazardly) so carpet could be installed. So this is boxes from moving, some sorted, some not, some goodwill stuff, an air hockey table, and so so so much more.
This is the back one third where most of the true storage is supposed to
eventually be. Some of these industrial shelving units were on the
other side, they were moved before the carpet was put down but then
everything else was just sort of thrown in. It was a lot to move, I did
it by myself and at the time was just happy to have it done and it saved
me 100.00. Not that the carpet guys could have moved it all, being so
unorganized and half unpacked as it all was.
You can see that it's pretty much impassable.

I almost turned around and walked away - however, after some hard work yesterday,
this is progress:

and LOOK! I can now walk down the 'aisle'!
I didn't throw out as much as I had hoped, however I didn't really go through every box. I peeked inside each and then sorted the boxes themselves, combined some, downsized others. Then stacked and shelved them where it made sense for the time being. I am AMAZED at how much better it looks and I'm also amazed at how many empty plastic storage bins I have, from shoebox size to big 80gallon sized ones. EMPTY. They take up SO much space, but eventually the cardboard boxes will be gone and everything will be in plastic.
At least now I sort of know where things are over there (there is still a section unphotographed that hasn't been sorted/stacked). Next weekend I will sort the other small section and then over the rest of the summer I will go through a box here and there, my goal is three a week.
Still to do:
list a few things on Craigslist
take stuff to goodwill
make a dump run (those HUGE TV boxes have GOT to go!)
buy 4 or 5 more industrial shelving units
Then on the living side of the basement I need a few shelving units that will also serve as a room divider to separate LG's 'boy cave' from the grands playarea.
So after sorting the basement, I took a miniscule break and then went out and cut the back 40. It's all hill, in every direction and although the push mower has some 'self propel' action, you still have to push it up the hills. I managed to get the back done in one turn. Then took another tiny break before Grand1 joined me with his mower to do the front and side.
After that I collapsed for 15 minutes, then took a cold shower, then had dinner. At 8:20. Anyone else roll that way? Dinner at all hours?
It was a long day and I could hardly get out of bed this morning. BUT YAY! look at how much I got done!!! WHOOT! WHOOT!
Again, just because, befores and afters
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Hope you are having a good weekend !