I smile when I enter the space now. I am amazed at how moving some things around and getting that one shelving unit can make such a HUGE difference.
Next task is to add some lighting - will pick up some inexpensive floor lamps.
So in the above picture you can see the stump - that was a big gift from my friend Christy. YAY! I've wanted a stump for so long. And to the left of that is student desk #1 with the flat lap and trinket kil, in that desk there are enamels and gloves and some things. In the big wooden desk next to that there are some tools (for taking apart equipment) and some misc. little bins and bottles. The top of that desk hasn't been cleaned off yet. To the right of the stump, on THAT student desk is the small table top shear and insde are the stakes that go with the holder on the stump. There are also some bead storage and the wooden bin in front of that needs to be cleaned out and used or repurposed and moved. Underneat, in the green bin is my pitchbowl and extra pitch.
Just to the right of the shelving unit is the "B" tank of acetylene and then the large metal cabinet is full of junk that I haven't seen in more than 10 years. It was previously blocked in. So I need to go through those drawers and I will put some hanging files in there for business records etc.
The bench has some small tools, a soldering station, bench pin, rolling pin, small vise and above the bench hangs my flexshaft.
Underneat are 4 or 5 rolling cart units with the rollers removed. In there are files and dapping block, and disk cutter and metal sheet, and flexshaft attachments and setting burs, and all the other burs, and ummm, sandpaper and other stuff. You get the idea. :)
Here is the bench straight on. You can see some hastily taped inspiration photos on the wall. :)
Just to the right of the bench there is a small 2 drawer filing cabinet. In there I have packaging supplies. Boxes, bags, mailers.
The one thing I think you can't see if my hammer storage. My good hammers are nestled in a drawer with snug sock caps on them. But all of my other hammers and my ring mandrel and some sanding sticks live in a little round wastebasket right in front of my wine barrel. Quick, easy, at hand.
Hope you enjoyed my little studio tour. Oh, and here's my latest addition, though this is only a piece of it - I purchased it a couple of months back and haven't yet put it together.
Do you know what it is?????
Happy Friday!