It would figure that my running a giveaway would be full of some sort of misconbobulation. Sometimes it seems nothing goes smoothly in my life. But -
Onward and upward, as they say (and no, I have no freakin' clue who 'they' is)
When I drew the name out of the tumbler for the winner of the giveaway, I drew a back-up name. I did this for a couple of reasons - 1., I wasn't quite sure everyone who commented really wanted to be entered, and 2., what if the winner didn't contact me?
Well, turns out the back-up name is getting their chance at this as the first person never contacted me. Soooooooooooo, the name drawn as back up.........
are you ready???
It is
I won something from her not long ago (ME, who never wins ANYthing!)
Do we know who it is yet??
CANDACE - its YOU my dear!!
I drew your name and have held it just in case.
This is the case. :) And you get to pick:
It was a winner's choice giveaway.
I'll do you MOO mini-cards or a ring - you decide. Email me janiceihg at hotmail dot com within 7 days please with your choice. We can work through the details then.
For everyone else (well, Candace too) its FRIDAY!! YAY! I am so happy its Friday. I swear, if I could quit work, I just think I might would do that. I never used to think that, thought I'd go stir crazy at home, but now I'm thinking...mmmmmmmmm, maybe not so much. It would be divine to not work at an outside job. . . .or to only work maybe like ummm, 3 days a week. That would really kick ass. Sorry. That would really be rather pleasant. :-D But, that is so not likely to happen. There is no way I could come CLOSE to making my salary at home metalsmithing. Now if I downsize the rest of my life, paid off some bills and well, told my son no more baseball, soccer, golf, or tennis....or new games for his DS....or a whole slew of other thing, then maybe, just maybe I could make it work. *sigh* Dream life. Well, maybe in another 10 years. ;-)
I am working on some photos for the new feature for the blog - ya know, I mentioned it a few days back -- the 'what NOT to do' - where YOU learn from MY mistakes. Should be a riot, well, for you all. Maybe not so much for me. ;-)
OK, got to go -
Ciao for now!