Journey with me.
As I've been sorting through my computer files and internet albums I have come across tons of images of jewelry that I made long long ago, back when...ok, never mind, it hasn't been THAT long ago - its only been about 4 years since I soldered my first ring closed.
I pulled some images from my computer - by no means ALL of the work I've done.....but a handful from each year from 2006-2009
Many of these pieces I have more or less forgotten about - they come to mind no more.
99% of them are in boxes somewhere.
I pulled some images from my computer - by no means ALL of the work I've done.....but a handful from each year from 2006-2009
Many of these pieces I have more or less forgotten about - they come to mind no more.
99% of them are in boxes somewhere.
Stuck in storage because I didn't like them. Relegated to a dusty shelf somewhere in the dark damp recesses of my studio.
Well, let me tell you what a difference a few years makes.
Because, you know what?
In looking back at these images, more than once I've said:
"Oh Wow!"
"that's cool!"
Some of the early soldered pieces surprise me.
That I attempted them (I didn't know not to) and that I LIKE them! Which immediately makes me wonder what I was thinking at the time - because nothing was ever 'good enough' then.
This calls in to question my abilities, not as a designer, or fabricator - but as an editor.
The things I've 'edited out' as not good enough. Like nearly all of my work over 4 years!!
As I have thought about it though - it wasn't that I didn't like the designs, it was more about the completion. It was about skills, or lack thereof. Finishing eluded me for way too long.
Maybe I wasn't channeling my inner Tim Gunn - I didn't really know how to make it work.
Although I've forgotten about many of the pieces, I remember the making. Sometimes the challenges of the piece, always the process, but often also what was going on in my life at the time.
Its been a happy little skippy trip down memory lane.
Its been really fun, enlightening, eye opening, and yes even inspiring
Which is a monumental perspective shift.
I am my toughest critic, my own worst enemy.
But in looking back at the entire body of work - viewed as a whole I'm proud of what I've done.
Hell, I'm amazed even. "self" taught as I am.....
I'm happy with my progression.
How about you?