Well first, let me just say "yay!" that I made a decision.
I can be so indecisive sometimes.
Especially about 'big' things. Things that are going to be permanent, or semi-permanent, or at least you hope they will be around for a long time. That expectation is there.
And also when something is a bit pricey.
Want it to last, Want it to be right. So it can take a while to decide. To jump in with both feet.
To commit.
So when I finally decided to create a maker's mark.....I surprised myself by being really decisive. And really fairly quick.
I guess maybe the timing was just right....I was ready.
So I fiddled a bit, decided on a general idea and then fiddled a bit more.
And then came up with something that I think (I hope!) will stand the test of time. That will be with me for a while. . . . . even as my work changes...........as I change. As things grow and evolve, which they inevitably do - I hope the mark will still 'fit'.
On a half inch disk....
all proud and pretty.
Sort of looks like a butterfly, but its not.
its not.
so don't even go there.
Maybe its a mark only a mother can love......love it I do.
I'm quite enamored.
Now if only I could find my point925 stamp I'd really be in business, eh?