Friday, January 04, 2013

Friday Cools

Here we are again - another Friday, time for my Friday Cools. Last time I shared an 'invisible' umbrella among other things (like the way cool 175 foot trampoline....). And I just realized that the last Friday Cools was over a month ago. I really am going to shoot for every Friday - I am blaming the holidays!

So as I was browsing the net recently I came across this really cool illusionary (no, that's not a word, but when we're being cool we can make up words, right?) so, this is an illusionary art project that looks like it could maybe be doable by any of us. (click the photo to go to the source)

This next one I didn't really understand when I first saw it, I just thought that it played the sounds back, maybe distorting them, but it doesn't. It does way more than that, it takes the sounds and uses some algorithm to create music. How cool would it be to turn your daily life into a soundtrack? One day you may be able to do just that with the Sound Bottle Mixer....

Re: Sound Bottle from Jun Fujiwara on Vimeo.

And finally, how about this colorful canopy for shade - made with the such a simple object. Effective and stunning..........

I wonder if it would be even remotely simple or possible to create something like this at home over a deck or patio. 

So what have you coolness have you encountered this week? (or ok, month.........?)